
Wednesday 26 May 2021

The 7 Wonders Of The World

Our Earth is an incredible, magical and wonderful planet. There are so many things, places and creatures on it that we can't even think about. These are the things that make our Earth different from other planets.Many of us may be thinking,"What incredible and magical things will be on our earth?".If there are such incredible and mysterious things on our earth,then there is nothing wrong with calling our earth as heaven, right?

"What are the seven wonders of the world?", A question that everyone would love to hear the answer to. It’s tricky to think of the names of the wonders of the world, but unless you read this article.We can all agree that there are some structures on our earth that are amazing, epic and awe-inspiring, no matter who you are.

The old 7 wonders of the world

To this day we recognize the original seven wonders of the world, including the Temple of Artemis, the Lighthouse of Alexandria, the Mazeolium at Halicarnassus, the Great Pyramids of Giza, the Colossus of Rhodes, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon and the statue of Zeus at Olympia.

The old 7 wonders of the world
   The old 7 wonders of the world

Of the original Seven Wonders of the World, only the Great Pyramids still exist. This has led to the creation of the 7 Wonders of the Modern World, and the decision on these is a little more complex.

How are the modern 7 wonders of the world decided?

Nowadays there is a panel formed by The New 7 Wonders of the World Foundation. Sites are nominated based on votes from people all across the world. And this saw more than 100 million votes by people to nominate the new wonders. As a result of this, the current 7 Wonders of the Modern World are Taj Mahal, The Great Wall of China, Machu Picchu,The Colosseum,ChichΓ©n Itza,Christ the Redeemer Status and Petra.

The Great Wall of China 

(Built 220 BC to 1644 AD)

The Great Wall of China is one of the Seven Wonders of the World!  Of course, we know this wall of China as a wonder of the world. The construction of this famous wall was started by King Qin Shi Huang.The length of this wall is 8851 km.  That is why this wall is the largest structure in the world.  This is not a whole wall, but is made up of small parts. If the gaps in these walls are added, the length of this wall will be 21,196 km.The wall is so wide that five cavalry or 10 infantry can move together.  The height of this wall is not uniform.  In some places it is 9 feet high and in some places it is 35 feet high.

The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China 

Taj Mahal (Agra,India)

(Built 1632-1648 AD)

The Taj Mahal is an important place in the history of India.  As you know, the Taj Mahal is one of the seven wonders of the world. The Taj Mahal is located in Agra, India.  This powerful monument on the banks of the Yamuna, illuminated by the yellow sun every morning. The monument is made of white marble.  It was built between 1632 and 1648 on the orders of Emperor Shah Jahan.  Mumtaz Mahal, wife of Emperor Shah Jahan, died while giving birth to her fourteenth child.  Later, Emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal in honor of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal.  The Taj Mahal is an important example of Mughal architecture, with Islamic, Iranian, Persian and Indian artefacts.

Taj Mahal (Agra,India)
Taj Mahal (Agra,India)

Machu Picchu (Peru)

(Build mid-15 century AD)

Machu Picchu is a site in the historic Inca Empire of Peru. It is located 80 km northwest of the city of Cusco in Peru, at an altitude of 8,000 feet above sea level and is considered one of the most important landmarks of the Inca Empire.In Quechua language, Machu Picchu means "old mountain."  It is made up of more than 150 buildings, from bathrooms and houses to temples and sanctuaries.Machu Picchu was a place unknown to the outside world until 1911.  Hiram Bingham, the principal of Yale University, introduced this to the world.

Machu Picchu (Peru)
Machu Picchu (Peru)

The Colosseum (Rome)

(Built AD 72-82)

The Colosseum, also known as the Flavian Elliptical Amphitheater, was a massive arena built by the Flavian emperors in Rome. The construction of the Colosseum began during the reign of Vespasian between 70 and 72 CE. It is located east of Palatin Hill, at the base of the Golden House of Nero.Unlike the amphitheater, which was dug into convenient hills for almost all of its additional support, it was an independent structure built using a complex system of barrel vaults and zero vaults of colosseum stone and concrete and a total size of 620 × 951. Feet ( 189 to 156 meters) was. The Colosseum was the largest arena in the Roman world.

The Colosseum of Rome
The Colosseum of Rome

Christ The Redeemer Status (Brazil)

(Built 1926-1931)

Christ the Redeemer (Statue), Mount Corcovado, Rio de Janeiro, Portuguese Portuguese statue of Christ is installed on the summit of South Brazil.  It was completed in 1931 and the statue stands 98 feet (30 meters) long.  Its horizontally stretched arms are 92 feet (28 m).  The statue is made of reinforced concrete in a mosaic of thousands of triangular soapstone tiles.  It is set on a square stone pedestal base, 26 feet (8 m) high, which rests on a platform above a mountain peak.  The statue is the largest art deco-style sculpture in the world and one of the most recognized destinations in Rio de Janeiro.

Christ The Redeemer Status (Brazil)

Christ The Redeemer Status (Brazil)

Petra (Jordan)

(Built 4 Century BC-2 Century AD)

Jordan Petra is a historic city.  Petra is very important to Jordan because it is a source of revenue for Jordan.  Which has been included in the new 7 Wonders of the World in 2007 for its quaint architecture.  The city is in Jordan, an Arab country, located in the southern part of the Syrian Desert, south of Aqaba Bay in Southwest Asia.  Petra is made of pink colored stones hence it is also called Pink City as another name.Thousands of years ago, 400 B.C.  And 106 A.D.  Between, this pink city was a trading center and the capital of the glorious Nabataean Empire. The people of the South did not know of the hidden gems inside Jordan for a hundred years. It was hidden only until a European traveler secretly infiltrated the city.In this way he brought this mystery to the world.

Petra (Jordan)
Petra (Jordan)

Chichen Itza (Cancun,Maxico)

(Built 5-13 century AD)

Chichen Itza is located at the northern tip of the Yucatan Peninsula of modern-day Mexico.  It was an elusive city.  Which was later influenced by the Toltec civilization.  Between 750 and 1200 CE, the place was rich in vast architecture.  The sculpture here depicts themes of militarism and the imagination of jaguars, eagles, winged snakes.The base of this terraced pyramid is square and has staircases leading to the temple at the top from all four sides.  At the equinox of spring and autumn, when the sun rises and sets, this structure forms the shadow of a winged serpent to the west of the north stairway.  Chichen Itza was one of the great Mesoamerican cities and is today one of the most popular tourist destinations in Mexico.

Chichen Itza (Cancun,Maxico)
Chichen Itza (Cancun,Maxico)

All the wonders on this list are UNESCO World Heritage Sites and were selected in 2007 according to an online poll of billions of votes.

Earth has always given us every comfort and necessity of life. It takes care of everyone like a mother and we must also protect it and care for it in the best way.

I hope you enjoyed this article.

Thank you so much!!


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